Of course, there's also the not-invisible background that critical things in my actual life are being decided by people I've never met but have somehow ended up with the power to declare whether or not I'm entitled to the same rights as every other human being...ho hum.
That's why I don't watch tv ;-)
All these balls are being juggled somehow -- and with the exception of the recording, most things are proceeding a bit more slowly than I'd like (in the case of the political arena, much more slowly, but that's another story).
Anyhow, this is an open letter so to speak, to everyone who has emailed, facebooked, myspace messaged, and otherwise gotten in touch with me only to receive a shorter answer than usual: I'm sorry. There's a LOT going on -- most of it good, and all of it that's productive, I'm certain you'll enjoy in the near future.
In the meanwhile, I'd also like to thank Queers On the Verge for this:
http://queersotv.com/FVWweek2.html and for those that asked what's coming up, here's the list :-D:
1) January: Reading/Signing/Q&A @ Bluestockings with several other authors in (date to be announced super soon)
2) February: is my Birthday (and yes, I celebrate all month long :-D)
3) March: Interview w/ Q&A on blog-talk radio, interview in Curve Magazine and...release of the first single from The Charm Alarm's newest recording
4) April: Deadlines need to be met (and boy, do they!)
5) May: Gigs with The Charm Alarm, and a couple o' few reading/signing things
6) June: Yet another deadline, and the rest is to be planned...
I'm laughing at myself - there's so much more than that going on, but these are the things I can discuss at the moment. Maybe in another day or so, I'll have some sketches done during "down time" while recording to share with y'all. For now, here's a shot taken while I was paying attention to something else in the studio: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4150832&id=148962983091
Hope everyone's having a wonderful December so far.
Rock on!